The words "Act One" inside a graphic of green curtains and seats.

Act One: One-on-One Dramaturgy

Submit a script in development to receive one-on-one feedback, support and analysis from a member of our staff dramaturgs. Notes and feedback are generated and a representative from APN will meet with you personally to discuss your work, provide you with the feedback and generate a development strategy tailored to you and the needs of your play. After submitting, your play will be assisted in its development through one draft (subsequent drafts can be submitted to the program and will be read and responded to for an additional fee). 

We make every effort to connect your work with a suitable dramaturg!

Before you submit your script for the Act One Committee, please read the submission guidelines below carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Submission Requirements

1. Submissions are to be submitted electronically (.pdf is preferred, .doc is acceptable) to Trevor Rueger.

2. Each submission should include a cover letter answering the following questions.  These questions will enable us to give you exactly the kind of help you are looking for:

  • How long have you been working on this play?

  • How many drafts have you been through?

  • In three sentences, what is the play about?

  • Do you have any questions/concerns about the play? List any and all, and be specific as possible.

3. The Script:

  • General: 8.5 x 11 paper, 1 inch margins, black ink, page numbers on each page (except cover), font is 12 point in an easy to read font like Times New Roman.

  • Cover Page: including title, Playwright’s name, Mailing Address, Phone number, Email, Agent contact information (if you have one), and Copyright notice (if applicable).

  • Cast and Setting list: Briefly describing the characters as well as including time and place notes.

  • All text should be single spaced, separating characters’ lines or stage directions with a double space.

  • Song lyrics should be in ALL CAPS with one indent.

  • When a character is speaking, his/her name should be either centred or set 3.5” from the left of the paper in ALL CAPS.

  • Any brief direction (one word) at the start, middle, or end of a character’s line can be in the line in parentheses. Longer directions belong on a separate single spaced line in parentheses or italics.

  • Please remember to check your spelling before you submit a script. Incorrect spelling can make it difficult for the committee to read your script and could result in some misunderstandings.

  • Stage directions are appropriate but should used sparingly; they set the atmosphere and denote important actions or movements.
